We have a weekly Sunday worship service at 9:30 AM and Sunday School classes for ALL ages beginning at 10:45 AM. We offer a wide range of fellowship and group activities. 

Please fill out the Guest Register and take along a brochure available in the Narthex. Membership inquiries are welcomed and encouraged. Contact information for membership inquiries can be found in your worship bulletin. 

Liturgical worship and music are a rich heritage at Saint. Mark. The complete service is printed in your worship bulletin.


Holy Communion/Eucharist/The Lord's Supper is one of the two sacraments recognized by the Lutheran Church (the other being baptism). The term Eucharist comes from the Greek root, eucharisto which means, literally, “I give thanks.” We celebrate the Eucharist at Saint. Mark on the first Sunday of each month and on Festival Sundays. All baptized, communing Christians are welcome to partake of the Holy Sacrament. We offer wine in individual cups and both bread and gluten-free wafers. Those persons, who are unable to drink wine or eat bread, should feel free to take only one kind, for we believe that Christ is truly present…in, with, and under both means.

If you cannot come to the front of the Church to commune, inform an usher, and we will serve you in your pew. A Quiet Communion service, served in the pews, with music omitted, is held at 2:00 PM on the first Sunday of each month.